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Focusing on the purpose of our Ministry through having an ear to hear what the spirit is saying to N1C in this season and seasons to come. Abiding in the Word and the Word in us that we may be a better witness in our community. Being developed and equipped to carry out the " Great Commission" through evangelism, community outreach, and youth empowerment.  





 The mission of NEW FIRST CHURCH aka N1C, starts in support of the Scripture Micah 6:8," He has shown the oh man what is good, and what the Lord requires of thee. To act justly, love mercy, and walk humby before our God." At N1C we are striving to fulfill the love and purpose of God by first understanding the rquirements of being a citizen of Kingdom and carrying out our duties by being empowered by the word, then demonstrating the word among one another and then abroad.




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